022: Embracing Change with your Soul’s Wisdom
It’s a new year and a time when we embrace new changes in our lives. Menopause brings change (whether we like it or not!) on many levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Change can be chaotic, confusing, frustrating, challenging and so much more. So much in fact that we can try to ignore it, put it on hold, or get caught up in the confusion not seeing any way out.
Today’s episode will help you see and experience change from a different perspective – a more soulful perspective – but with some practical guidance too, so you can embrace change with joy!
Please listen to the beginning the first time you do this exercise, but after that if you want to do it again (and I do encourage you to do this every day for a week, and then also revisit it whenever you’re in need of inspiration), you can start listening at 7 minutes.
Do leave comments for me – I would love to hear your soulful insights on this.
To listen to the soul wisdom contemplation/meditation again, start at 7 minutes.